Oct 28, 2008

**CK **CK **CK iTunes

Fanculo fanculo fanculo cinquecento, mille un milione di volte al fottutissimo programma della Apple iTUNES. é una merda, m'ha rotto i coglioni fin dal primo giorno che ho acquistato il mio shuffle iPod. è uno schifo, per nulla intuitivo, perde le canzoni, non hai la cognizione di quello che inserisci, dove e quando. è una merda fanculo! YamiPod è uno degli escamottage per fottere questa boiata di applicativo: per un iPod con il drag 'n drop! Oh yeah! Sempre e alla continua ricerca per l'idea: "io compro l'hardware, lasciami scegliere il software"...
Want to use the iPod shuffle like a regular drag-and-drop flash-based MP3 player? You know, like just be able to copy songs onto it without having to always use iTunes? You're in luck. Martin Fiedler took advantage of the shuffle's comparatively simpler file structure to create a little 8k app called iPod shuffle Database Builder that makes it possible to drag-and-drop MP3s onto the player without having to use iTunes or any other software interface (you can still use iTunes if you want to, the app shouldn't interfere with that). iPod shuffle Database Builder also makes it easier to use the iPod shuffle with multiple computers and if you're big on this sort of thing, will also let you create whatever sort of directory or filename structure you want.P.S - Yes, we know you can use the iPod shuffle as a regular flash drive, but normally you can't actually listen to MP3s that are dragged-and-dropped onto it, you have to use iTunes.

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